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TutorABC上課筆記:Phobias: What are you afraid of?(恐懼症)









Vocabulary and Phrases

calm (sb) down (ph v.) to stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or to stop someone feeling this way(使)平靜;(使)冷靜;(使)鎮靜
etymology (n(C/U]) the study of the origin and history of words, or a study of this type relating to one particular word詞源學;詞源說明
impede (vt) to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something 妨礙,阻礙;阻止
genetics (n[U]) the study of how, in all living things, the characteristics and qualities of parents are given to their children by their genes 遺傳學
trigger (vt) to cause something to start 引起,引發(壞事)
torment [U] great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain 折磨;痛苦(vt) to cause a person or animal to suffer or worry 折磨;使痛苦
alienate (vt) to cause someone or a group of people to stop supporting and agreeing with you 離間;使背離;使不友好
to make someone feel that they are different and not part of a group 使格格不入;使疏遠
afflict (vt) If a problem or illness afflicts a person or thing, they suffer from it 使痛苦;使苦惱;折磨
possess (vt) to have or own something, or to have a particular quality 擁有;具有
(of a wish or an idea) to take control over a person’s mind, making that person behave in a very strange way(欲望或想法)影響,控制,支配
harbor (vt) to think about or feel something, usually over a long period 心懷,懷有(想法或感情)
to protect someone or something bad, especially by hiding that person or thing when the police are looking for him, her, or it
sadistic (adj) getting pleasure, sometimes sexual, by being cruel to or hurting another person 虐待狂的
stadium (n[C]) a large closed area of land with rows of seats around the sides and often with no roof, used for sports events and musical performances 體育場
sufferer (n[C]) a person who has or often gets a particular illness 病患
submerge (vt/vi) to go below or make something go below the surface of the sea or a river or lake(使)潛入水中,(使)沒入水中;浸沒
be prone to sth/do sth (ph) likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic 易於遭受(疾病)的;有(消極)傾向的
plummet (vi) to fall very quickly and suddenly 暴跌,急遽下降
in conjunction with (idiom) in combination with; together with
come in/into contact with (ph v) to touch (something)to see and begin began communicating with (someone) 
abhor (vt, not continuous) to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral 憎惡;憎恨;厭惡
surmount (vt) to deal successfully with a difficulty or problem 克服(困難);解決(問題)
to be on top of something tall 聳立於…之上,在…頂端

phobia: comes from the Greek word phobos, which means fear
arachnophobia: the fear of spiders
ailurophobia: the fear of cats
acrophobia: fear of heights 
agoraphobia: fear of public places
claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces
aquaphobia: fear of water
hemophobia: fear of blood
typanophpbia: fear of needles


be terrified of
physical effects
include, but are not limited to
panic sensations
relaxation techniques
10 times more likely
life-altering event
professional treatment
 a movie by the same name
a famous hit 
live snakes
experience panic attacks
superstitions about
at the sight of
confront the fear
build one’s confidence
under stressful conditions


being scared of something versus having a phobia about it
Joseph Wolpe (psychologist)
desensitization method
assertiveness training method
match the phobia to the picture
American president Franklin D. Roosevelt “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
